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Six Bad Effects of Alcoholic Beverages ~ Making Money Blog News

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Six Bad Effects of Alcoholic Beverages

alcoholic beverages,alcohol, drunk
HEALTH NEWS - Health experts have long argued that alcohol as a drink that can give you the bad effects for health. Although some Western countries have become a deeply ingrained tradition to warm the body by drinking alcoholic beverages, but still it does not reduce the bad effects. Based on some existing cases, the bad effects of alcoholic beverages has contributed a lot of the risk of death for its addicts.

What are the bad effects of alcoholic drinks to the health of the body? Check out the following as reported by the Magforwomen.

  • Liver organ damage. The habit of drinking booze in a long period of time can damage the liver function. Although the process is slow, but you should not regard it is trivial.

  • Mentally, alcoholic beverages resulted in a person being difficult to focus and think clearly. That's why someone loses a lot of direction in his life after he became an alcoholic.

  • Regulation of liquid in the body of an alcoholic usually distracted. This can be seen in some specific areas, e.g. fluid buildup around the eyes.

  • Pregnant women who frequently consume alcoholic beverages would be very bad for the growth of the fetus in womb. Even the fetus at risk of having birth defects and miscarriage. And it was clear the experts really do not recommend that pregnant women consume alcoholic beverages.

  • Driving in a drunken condition is the cause of traffic accidents with sufficiently high numbers throughout the world. 

  • Socially, a drunkard will be marginalized in society, and he is regarded as someone who behave badly. 

The ill effects of alcohol above are just a few samples of cases, there are still many more if mentioned in detail. So it will be good if you do not touch these types of drinks, and trying to live a healthy life is a great way for your happiness.


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